Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Father Beats Homosexual Man Caught Raping 11-Year-Old

The father of an 11-year-old boy recently beat a homosexual man senseless before calling police when he allegedly found the man in the act of sexually molesting his son.
The father, who has not been named, arrived home to find that his son’s 18-year-old babysitter, Raymond Frolander, was in bed with his child. He then beat Frolander severely and dragged him out to the living room before 911.
“I just walked in on a grown man molesting [my son],” the father states in recorded 911 audio footage. “And I got him in a bloody puddle for you, officer.”
“Did you use any weapons?” the dispatcher asked. 
“My foot and my fist,” the father replied. “I didn’t proceed to ask him any questions, sir. He is nice and knocked out on the floor for you. I drug him out to the living room. He stood up and his pants were around his ankles and nothing else needed to be said. I did whatever I got a right to do, except I didn’t kill him. Send an ambulance. He is going to need one.”
Read more @ http://www.prosperitytodayng.com/index.php/news-menu2/408-father-beats-homosexual-man-caught-raping-11-year-old

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