Monday, December 2, 2013


All of life’s problems can be worked out simply by applying the wisdom of God into it. Divine wisdom is what
delivers miracles cheaply into your hand. It can overturn any mountain by its roots and cut out rivers from any rock! When supernatural wisdom is at work, it always produces amazing testimonies in return.

I will be showing to you how this wisdom works.

1. Locate and Act of the Word. The Word is God’s wisdom. God gave it to us in order for us to work out our salvation by adhering to the instructions contained in it. As the instructions are complied with, solutions to all questions of life begin to show forth to you. At times the wisdom of God may appear foolish to the natural man, but that foolishness is still wiser than the wisdom of men. “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise…” 2 Tim. 3:15; 1 Cor. 1:25.

The Bible enjoins us to work out our salvation – Phil. 2:12. So, all you need to disarm the forces of wickedness is to sit down and locate scriptures relevant to your case and work your way from there. If sickness knocks on your door, don’t panic; settle down and organize scriptural arsenals and launch a counter-attack on that adversary. Satan has no choice but to flee!

The wisdom of God is creative in nature. “O Lord, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them all…” Ps. 104:24; Prov. 3:19. By His wisdom, God created all things. That is why I am so sure that this wisdom that created the world can create your own world too. So, there is nothing missing in your body that applying God’s wisdom cannot be instantly recreated.

2. Connect With His Spirit. God’s wisdom is not ordinary, so ordinary mind cannot comprehend it. It is with your spirit that you understand the things of the Spirit. God’s wisdom consists of heavenly secrets and only a discerning mind can comprehend it. Your spirit must therefore be linked with the Spirit of God for you to contact His wisdom.

Man is essentially a spirit being but when he fell in Eden, there was a disconnection from God. But, when you are born again, you are made a living spirit; the communication line between you and God is now open.  You can now communicate freely with God, your Father through your spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit that imparts you with this wisdom. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth; He knows and teaches all things. “…Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit…” 1 Cor. 2:9-11.

So, you need to engage the Holy Spirit to reveal to you depth of wisdom that has been freely given to you by God.

There is no short cut to accessing God’s wisdom. Your situation has a solution by the wisdom of God. Supernatural wisdom is available for your taking, but you must first sit down to arrange the Words relevant to your area of need. Then apply yourself to the demands of those Words, and engage the help of the Holy Spirit. Surely, you’ll be free


God’s Word is God’s wisdom in print. When we receive His Word and engage it, then we are walking in His wisdom “…Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them…” Matt. 7:24.

God’s wisdom is not common sense, it’s “heaven sense.” Because whatever is from above is above all, it messes up all other kinds of wisdom. God’s wisdom is not in words but in mighty works!

If the wisdom of man is evident in the children of men, and the wisdom of animals is evident in the children of animals. So, why should the wisdom of God not be evident in the children of God?

You have a deposit of divine wisdom in you as a child of God. “…Who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.”  1 Cor. 2:16. And who is Christ? He is the Wisdom and the Power of God – 1 Cor. 1:24. So, you are a carrier of God’s wisdom.

But, why are we not experiencing its fruit? It is because it’s not been activated.

Avenue for activating the gift of divine wisdom

1. By the Word. We stir the gift of divine wisdom by the Word. Jesus who is the Word was described in prophecy as the rod from the stem of Jesse. So, the Word is the spiritual stirring rod – Is. 11:1; Jn. 1:1. Furthermore, God’s Word is a quickening spirit and it makes wise – Jn. 6:63; 2 Tim. 3:15.

2. Feeding on the wisdom from those who possess it. You can hook onto those who possess divine wisdom through their books and electronic materials to activate the gift of wisdom. Daniel said I understood by books – Dan. 9:2. Though Apostle Paul was an embodiment of divine wisdom, he was a bookworm and a mobile library – 2 Tim. 4:13.

3. By the Holy Spirit. The breath of the Holy Spirit can also quicken the deposit of God’s wisdom inside you. Hence, you must be filled with the Holy Spirit after new birth to experience His quickening power.

4. By prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting are vital tools for activating the gift of divine wisdom. “You have not because you ask not.” Jam. 4:2. Through prayer and fasting, Daniel and the three Hebrew boys had their deposits of wisdom activated to meet the challenges of solving the king’s dream – Dan. 2:17-19.

5. By having a hot love for God. Solomon loved God and he was given wisdom and understanding – 1 Kgs. 3:3; 4:29-34. The hooter you love for God, the more you experience manifestation of His wisdom in your life.

6. By Praise. Joy is at the root of acceptable praise. There is a supernatural access to the deep things of God when you allow the joy of the Lord fills your heart. Your being joyful connects you to divine presence and you can’t enjoy God’s presence and not gain access to His wisdom.

7. By meditation. Meditation is your access to divine wisdom for the Word – Ps. 119:97-100. In meditation you think through in the Holy Ghost. Just as the digestion of food is the only way to draw maximum benefit from what you eat, so also, you draw maximally through meditation.

8. By the mystery of tithing. Tithing qualifies you for access to showers of divine ideas - Mal. 3:10. Through tithing your life is enriched by your access to divine wisdom which manifest itself in divine ideas.

9. By soul winning. Every soul winner is a co-labourer with God – 1 Cor. 3:9. As a result, he enjoys natural flow of divine wisdom because he is walking with the only wise God – Prov. 11:30; 13:20.